Arizona's abortion ban outlaws nearly all abortions in the state and will go into effect in 14 days. The 4-2 ruling left many pro-choice leaders angry in Arizona including Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, Gov. Katie Hobbs, and the state's attorney general, Kris Mayes, who says no one will be prosecuted under the abortion law "on her watch."
In a press conference, pro-choice leaders blamed the former president, Donald Trump, saying it is entirely his fault that this law has been revived because of his appointment of U.S. Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade. They say codifying "abortion rights" into national law is a top priority for the 2024 presidential election and urged voters to support the Biden-Harris ticket in order to make that a reality.
"This is a dark day in Arizona," Gov. Hobbs said.
For all who believe in the sanctity of life, however, and certainly for every boy and girl whose life will be saved because of the court's decision, the Arizona ruling marks a day of hope, light, and victory.
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." - Rom. 12:21