By Collin Hain
The United Methodist Church's (UMC) recent decision to lift its ban on gay clergy and eliminate penalties for officiating same-sex marriages represents a devastating abandonment of God's design for humanity and a betrayal of sound biblical doctrine. In a country already plagued by moral confusion, this decision is a dangerous step away from biblical truth and a direct affront to God's ordained design for human sexuality.
The Context of the Decision
In 1984, the UMC rightly established a policy that barred "self-avowed practicing homosexuals" from becoming clergy. The church also prohibited officiating or celebrating same-sex unions, which aligned with biblical teachings on human sexuality. This policy served as a safeguard against doctrinal drift and upheld the church's adherence to the Word of God. However, at the church’s recent General Conference, the first in five years, a delegate vote of 692-51 reversed these decisions, choosing instead to embrace a worldview that is antithetical to Scripture.
History of Doctrinal Drift in the United Methodist Church
Doctrinal changes within a church do not happen overnight; instead, they occur gradually, through a series of decisions that cumulatively drift further and further from biblical doctrine. Each decision, whether driven by cultural pressures or internal divisions, can create a precedent for the next, leading to a slippery slope where the church's original teachings become unrecognizable.
This is certainly the case within the UMC. Over the years, the church has experienced several such shifts that indicate a drift away from its traditional foundation. These include its stance on ordaining women as clergy, and the church's move toward more inclusive language in worship and liturgy, which represented an effort to align with contemporary, unbiblical social norms.
Biblical Sexuality: The Only Proper Sexual Ethic
The Bible is explicit about the nature of human sexuality, defining it as a relationship between one man and one woman within the covenant of marriage for life. Passages such as Genesis 2:24, Leviticus 18:22, and Romans 1:26-27 clearly illustrate God's design. Homosexuality, in any form, contradicts this divine blueprint and is condemned in Scripture as a deviation from God's perfect plan.
The UMC's decision to welcome gay clergy and sanction same-sex marriages runs counter to the clear teachings of the Bible and disregards the sanctity of God’s established order. This abandonment of biblical sexuality undermines the very foundation of Christian ethics and is a betrayal of the trust that believers place in their spiritual leaders.
Forsaking God's Design and Sound Doctrine
The Bible warns against such apostasy in passages like 2 Timothy 4:3-4, which foresees a time when people will turn away from sound teaching and seek teachers who suit their own desires. The UMC’s decision epitomizes this prophetic warning, as the church has chosen to align with cultural trends rather than uphold God’s unchanging truth.
The church has a responsibility to uphold biblical doctrine and guide believers in righteousness. When church leaders fail to do this, they lead their congregations astray and contribute to our nation’s moral decay. The UMC's decision is not a step toward inclusion, as some might argue, but rather a step away from God's truth and toward spiritual ruin. Where are the pastors who will stand for what is true?
A Call to Stand for Truth
Now more than ever, it is imperative for Christians across America to stand up for what is true. The Bible is the ultimate authority on matters of life and godliness, and its teachings on sexuality are clear and unambiguous. Christians, especially pastors and church leaders, must boldly proclaim the truth of God's Word and reject the false teachings that seek to undermine it.
Churches can change the course of our country, and we must not compromise on doctrines for the sake of cultural relevance. Our mission must not be to conform to the world but rather to transform it through the power of the gospel, and this requires unwavering adherence to God’s truth as revealed in Scripture.